Last weekend, the whole fam, along with grandparents and cousin Dylan, spent 2 nights in San Antonio. Our experience at Sea World last year was not a pleasant one. It seemed as though everyone in Texas decided to visit Sea World the same weekend we did and all the shows were standing room only. We were hoping this time would be different.
We arrived Friday afternoon, and it was just perfect. Perfect weather, perfect crowd control, couldnt ask for more. There wasnt a wait for any of the kiddie rides so we decided to get that out of the way since the weekend would be much more crowded.
Ally really enjoyed all of the shows. She was just born an animal lover. It's great that we can share that passion. She is non-discriminatory though. I must say I do not care for bugs in the least, but she has an affinity for them for some reason. Crocodiles are on the top of her list too. She's a funny girl.
Nate enjoyed the shows also, but I'm sure the 4 refills of Sierra Mist we had everyday had something to do with it.
By Sunday, everyone was exhausted and it was warm again. We had a hiatus from the heat for the past 2 days, so I can't complain. Nate refused to sit in the wagon by the last day so the 2 of us, along with grandpa and grandma took turns carrying him around.
I wanted to use this trip to feel out how our vacation next month will be. I was concerned about Ally and Nate sleeping in the same room...one waking up the other...yada yada. We put nate in a pack n play in the hallway so he couldn't see our beds and by the time he put his head down, he cried for 15 seconds and then complete silence. It worked out so much better than I envisioned, thankfully. Ally was completely understanding. The first night, she wasn't tired by the time Nate went to bed, but we all just laid in bed and Ally sang to herself quietly and tossed and turned for almost 2 hours. That meant Lawrence and I were also in bed by 8:30pm. That's over 4 hours of extra sleep than what we get normally! I really treasured that time that Lawrence and I had with Ally in the dark after Nate went to bed. She just whispered up a storm about her experiences that day or anything else that popped into that fascinating head of hers. Its more difficult now to get that valuable one-on-one time with them, so it was really special to me.
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