A whole school year seemed to fly by in a blink of an eye. They always end the year with Splash Day, and I think its a great idea to help the kids keep their minds off of it being the last day of school. Ally loved going to school. She loved Mrs. Mac, Mrs. Cynthia, and all her classmates. When Ally got her class picture 2 weeks ago, she showed Lawrence's dad the picture and then went down the row and named all of her classmates. He was shocked that she knew all their names, but she really did enjoy each and every one of them.
I stayed for a bit to watch Ally and her classmates on their last day of school having fun. Mrs. Mac was very emotional when she told me about how hard it is for them to see these, then 2 1/2 year olds, come to class with those young toddler traits and how much they have grown through the school year. I see it too. The teachers gave the parents a folder they have compiled of the monthly themes they had, along with some artwork, and pictures they had taken of them through the months. What an awesome keepsake. I'm so thankful they took the time to do that for us.
The past 2 months have been a challenge for me and Ally. My sweet Ally had turned into a whiney, whip up the tantrum card at the drop of a hat girl that I had never encountered. It was truly a testing time for me. By God's grace, we are finally out of that phase and my baby has returned.
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