Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Overload on Ice Cream

Say what?  $6 for all-you-can-eat ice cream?  I'm in!  Little did I know I'd be in for 10 scoops.  Ally had 6 scoops.  Pistachio Almond is my favorite Blue Bell flavor, but still a pale comparison to my all time favorite, if you had to be deserted on an island with only one food, this would be it kind of favorite...Marble Slab's Amaretto.
Ally's cousin met us in Brenham, so you know Ally had a great time. The weather and ice cream were just divine, so a good time was had by all.  


Lawrence Tam said...

calories so not worth it. There is only so much you can eat. the turkey leg was okay. I think i would rather have the other carnival food next time.