Tuesday, March 25, 2008

6 year anniversary

So what do people usually give for that? Traditionally it's Candy or Iron but I like to make it our own. Ours was a Rockets game vs Kings, Nachos, and some marble slab ice cream to top it off.

I can't believe I've been with this women more than half my life. 6 yrs married, almost 15 years dating and I'm a tender 29 yrs old.

I'm just glad I "locked" her down before someone stole her. I'm glad I'm so smart to invest my time and little money to woo her early on. Most women can't resist my long bangs back in the days, the secret was the finesse shampoo. haha

Here is to me to be a better husband and hope to one day be a romantic. wait. that ain't happening. How about a hopeless romantic? naw, I'll just try and be sweet and surprise her with my humor.

She did get me 3 pimped out shirts I can't wait to wear! goooo jess