Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day has a whole new meaning now. It use to be about which restaurant we wanted to dine at and wait 2 1/2 hours for a table, even with reservations, and Lawrence and I exchanging gifts that we put time and thought into. Nowadays, its about hand-crafting valentines for school and for Daddy and Lawrence and I saying to each other "You wanna get Rock Band for Valentines? Ok." Not that one is better than another, just different. Ally had fun making the valentines this year...they just had to be dinosaurs. They look like the one we made Daddy, except they say "You are Dino-mite!".
We also went to an assisted living center where Ally and many other kids passed out valentines they had made at church. They had lots of fun and brought many smiles to the grandmas and grandpas they saw. What a great way for the kids to spread the love.