Friday, April 27, 2007

potatoes contain a suspected cancer-causing chemical

so more reason to stop eating french fries?

"KFC Corporation agreed Tuesday to display warnings that its fried or baked potatoes contain acrylamide, which is created when chemicals in food react to high heat."


Ricardo said...
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Ricardo said...

Man, first it's no sweet and low because lab mice were getting cancer and now this. I think I'll keep eating them. It is only 'suspected' to cause cancer. Nobody really knows what causes cancer. Just what can contribute (cig smoke, etc...).

I dunno, if we, as a society, keep going this way, we'll find out that we can't eat anything and must now drink the protein smoothie from The Matrix. hahaha


HFP said...

So I'm on this no fast food thing right? I caved...I was sooo craving fried chicken. And I should know better...but the nearest fried chicken was KFC. I had 2 pieces and had to drink 3 tall glasses of water that night cause it was sooo salty. I guess no more KFC for me anymore either.