We started off the weekend with Josh and Sammy's first birthday party. The party started at 9am so we were there bright and early. The kids played in the pools all morning while the adults talked and ate, talked some more and ate some more. There was enough food to feed 100 people. Those darn vietnamese egg rolls are so easy to walk around and eat...I have no idea nor do I care to count how many I had the entire day. The party was an all day event. We went home around 12:30pm so the kids could nap, and when they woke up at 4pm, we headed back over there for some more talking and eating.
I can't believe they are 1 already. They are both little walking tree trunks, trying to keep with up with big kids. What's even more bizarre is that my Ally is now considered a "big kid" in our bunch.
I almost called Lawrence this morning to tell him as of this morning, my percentage of having a 3rd skyrocketed. I was brushing my teeth so I could hear the kids playing in my room. Ally got a new deck of Hello Kitty cards that she had been toting around and I guess she dropped it. She told me "its ok, mommy, I'll pick it up". Then I heard her say "mommy, nathan is helping me. Thank you, Nathan! I love you, buddy" and then she gives him a kiss. Then you hear a baby voice say "I wuv you". I nearly wanted to cry. At that particular moment, I thought sure, having a third will be difficult for the first year or two, but having moments like this are irreplaceable". who knows...ask me tomorrow and it might be back down to 20%.
Sunday was The Wiggles concert. For those of you who don't know, Nathan is totally OBSESSED with The Wiggles. I've spent countless hours shopping for Wiggles merchandise and even had my cousin who was in Australia pick up a few items for Nate. I was so excited for him, I couldn't sleep the night before. When The Wiggles first came out, I just watched Nate and his eyes light up and I almost wept. Hmm...I see a theme with me crying....maybe its PMS.
Our seats were so awesome! I didn't want floor seats because its not stadium seating so Nate would inevitably have a 6ft man sitting in front of him. Our seats were 2nd row, dead center. Ally even got to shake Jeff's hand!
Those guys were so impressive on the stage. They were rockin', dancin', and singin' their hearts out and they ain't no spring chickens. The 4 of us had so much fun singing along and dancing in our seats.
So, I'm a sucker for concert paraphenelia, but c'mon people, this is highway robbery. $20 for a wand that lights up with the Wiggles in their big red car? They know parents are suckers for it. Maybe not every parent, but I admit, I'm a sucker. Some might say spending nearly $300 on a kids concert is absurd, but like I said, I'm a sucker and seeing how happy Ally and Nate were makes every penny spent worthwhile.
Stop talking about having another baby and just do it already...we can synch this next round. C'mon, you in?!
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