Okay. Jess got me.
I didn't have a freaking clue. The plan for that weekend was to have ric from dallas come down with tommie and just have some good eating and hit some rockband and wii saturday night. the dinner was to include some tokyo one all you can eat sushi buffet and I figured Ric just wanted to come down without the kids because he wanted to get his groove on for the weekend in Houston. nothing wrong with that.
So we had to wait 30min cause it was crazy packed then I of course killed it. As we were coming home it was all normal and I see Jess's mom inside as usual watching chinese tv. I go inside and hang a left to the kitchen to be greeted by 30+ people yelling "surprise!". what the. The first person I saw was Thuy with a SLR in hand.
The first thing that went through my mind was "who's birthday are we celebrating?". It dawned on me that my parents were in the back of the kitchen and then it clicked. Dooooh. It's my birthday coming up!
How in the heck did they pack 30+ adults in my kitchen and breakfast area?
There were so many people there. People that go way back and my new crowd of buddies from my bible small group. That felt really good. I can't imagine what Jess had to go through to plan all this and also hide it from me. To be able to contact so many people I know and talk with on a regular basis and yet nothing to slip was very impressive. I haven't had a bday party in years. We normally just find a place I can eat for free and call it a night. The one I remember is of my 17th I think and it was at taste of texas and jess gave me a shirt that was a bit small for me but I wore it anyways.
So I make my rounds thanking everyone for coming and that I was truly surprised. It felt really good to know that people actually would show up. It's one of those things where you hope people will show up at your funeral kind of thing. Throw a party and no one loves you. Kinda shocked that that many people would take time out and show up and coordinate so much without jess doing any physical work as that saturday jess was with me pretty much all day with ric and tommie. I would like to thank all those who also helped behind the scenes. All of this would not be possible without your time and effort. Dedicating basically 1/2 your saturday to setup and assemble items is no easy task. Obviously jess would not be able to pull this awesome event without you guys/gals.
As I made my way to the back of the kitchen thanking people I told them "thanks for coming but I'm sorry we don't have any food as I just got back from dinner". What a dummy. Don't I know that jess plans like a military general. The backyard was decked out with 3 projectors and a giant spread. Tiki torches all over the place and more food you can possibly eat. Rockband and 2 stations running wii. NICE
In total I believe at my house we had like 3-4 wii, 2 xbox 360s, and 1 ps3. Jess of course goes above and beyond and gets a cake that has chocolate mousse. Man, I love me some mousse. Mousse and cream puffs can keep me alive for months. Cake consisted of a rockband guitar and I gotta say everything just looked awesome. Everyone pooling resources to get 3 projectors (would have been 4 but people don't know where I hide my cables for my ps3) and setup for some serious gaming.
Fantastic way to go into my 30s and I'm so glad I got a wife that takes care of me.
Sorry we missed out.
Lyndon had to leave early Sunday for Boston and I didn't have anywhere to stick the kids on Saturday night.
We'll do some extra celebrating in a couple of weeks.
Happy 30th Birthday!
I'm really happy you had a great time. The look on your face was awesome.
for real shocked. Who's birthday party is this for?
Little shy after I realized it was mine and everyone was staring at me. doooh.
But the amount of effort it took for people to be there and help out without me knowing is amazing.
Looked like a great party, sorry I missed out. Reminds me of that Gamecube launch party we went to way back when..
no prob. we gotta do this again. maybe when we do a live football draft + gaming weekend when you come down?
the combination of wii sports + rock band was just too good. drunk people hitting each other with wii remotes and people dying laughing from my serious skills on the microphone. good times.
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