Thursday, August 16, 2007

And I'm the one that's losing it??

Funny story...
Lawrence has always been afraid of me loosing a few marbles once I stay home too long. He's even got me playing Brain Age so I challenge myself mentally, even if its only for 10 minutes a day. The other day, we were vegging on the couch and he was posting a comment on one of the sites he frequents, and I was glancing over to see what he was writing. He ended his post with "Gratis", which I assume he meant to write Gracias. I told him gratis means free, and he chose to Wiki it anyways (even though he got a D in spanish and I took it for 6 years). After looking it up on Wiki, he still chose to debate with me, and kept insisting that gratis meant no charge. Let me give you a snipit of the conversation:
Law: But Wiki said it means no charge
Jess: I know, so its free
Law: NO!! It says no charge!
Jess: What are you smoking?
Law: If Wiki says it, then thats what it means
Jess: Ok, lets take this step by step. Gratis means no charge...fine, which is synonomous to free.
Law: I'm a retard
Jess: Indeed you are. At least you're my retard :)

Oh man...haven't had the "laugh so hard I almost peed in my pants" laughter in awhile. Thanks babe.

Anyways, on to the kiddos...
I guess Nate being the second baby, I'm just not phased much by the stuff he puts in his mouth anymore. With Ally, we tried to keep everything so clean and sanitized that Law and I both developed severe eczema on our fingers from compulsively washing our hands. Lets see...what has Nate put in his mouth just these past few days...stickers, Obi's dog food, dirt, just to name a few. Today, I was busy preparing Ally's lunch and so wasn't paying full attention to what Nathan was doing. I looked over and he was kissing his reflection in our trash can in the kitchen. That totally would have grossed me out before. Instead, I thought about picking up a camera and recording him cause it was just too adorable.


Ricardo said...

You are both right...

Gratis = free/no charge...

[Puts on bullet proof vest]


Anonymous said...

But the funny part is that it didn't even occur to him that free and no charge mean the same thing. He kept arguing with me and when the light bulb finally turned on, he couldnt help but laugh at himself.

Erin said...

Jess, How come I didn't know you had a blog!! Very cool.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how lax you get with the second one!!!

But we all grew up on germs and we are ok right? hahaha

Unknown said...

Jess, judging from Law's blog a few months ago, I am gumma guess you did "pee your pants!" Just kidding. Funny story.