Monday, June 04, 2007

I get Nintendo Wii games for free!

So currently I've been with this group called switchplanet (formely known as switchdiscs) for close to 1 year and I have joined their team to review videogames. Well, considering I have a R4 I don't have a real need to get DS games but I do have a Nintendo Wii.

My first game to review will be SSX Blur for the Wii. I hear the controls are a bit rough but I haven't played SSX since the original on ps2 way back in the day with kathie. A lot of the reivews for this game rated is as pretty good but just not great cause the controls are hard to handle. If this game is anything like excite truck I'm going to love it.

Yeah yeah so I don't get to own the game and I'm obligated to send the game out and pay for postage but I think that's pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

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