Watching the Oprah show with the wife, and actually had to laugh.
The show was about what you can really afford. This one student who just graduated had these stats:
$63,00 student loans ( which her mom takes care of now and nothing to be ashamed of. School is expensive. )
She makes $2,010 a month from her two jobs…yet spends $3,237 a month. She doesn’t have a job in her degree and instead 2 part time jobs.
Some of those expenses include $200 a month for gas; $810 a month in car payments, insurance and maintenance; $1,400 for a new bed; a $50 snowboard; and a $300 iPod. In the show it also said she spends $150/month on nails.
I don't get the bashing on a $50 snowboard or an ipod. I can totally see why she felt it justified buying a brand new civic and pimped out bed because as most women thing "I deserve it!". Hilarious. Living beyond her means. Paying the minimum on her credit card. $150 per month on nails. hahahahah!
Men don't have that issue but we spend our money also but not to make ourselves pretty, just to make us fat which generally are beer or electronics.
I don't see how this girl graduated from college and didn't want to pursue a job in her degree and instead works 2 part time jobs one being at Starbucks. Are you serious? She's $1,227 in the hole every single month and that is before she even gives to tithing or the poor. Wait. She is the poor!
She is living beyond her means yet lives it up with her "rich" friends. If this is common for most people there has got to be a problem right?
Suze Orman recommends 8 months of non-retirement in your savings account. Just in case you lose your job you have enough to live on. How many people have 8 months to live on right now in their bank without touching their retirement fund? Sad times.
So the girl sells her car and walks to work until she can find a job that uses her degree. Good girl! Main reason she didn't get a job that paid better, laziness. Wow!
At least she is changing her ways. It bothers me that people who are in serious debt actually never shop for sales or clip coupons. Are you serious?
Shop your utilities around, cancel sat/cable, stop drinking alcohol, rent movies for $1, and many others. The main thing I hear from people is that they are need more money but are closed minded to how to get more money. The combination of smarter shopping and saving will go a long way. Seriously, if you have a baby and know for sure you need a ton of diapers why buy them one at a time full price at the drug store or gas station down the street?
Fatwallet alone I’ve cashed out over $600 from buying diapers and other kids stuff like wipes. I contribute 90% of that to Jessica’s awesome knowledge of saving on daily consumable items.
Remember, 8 months. That is the goal. This is possible to do and you can still give to the poor and your church. Be determined to get on track and you will. Just think, "Do you really need it?".
Hey... I actually saw this episode. The girl was crying because she admitted she was lazy. What she should do is move back to Florida with her mom and stop flossing with her friends in Boston.
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