Sunday, July 13, 2008


We took Ally and Nathan to watch Wall-E on Friday. I think really, it was Lawrence that wanted to watch it, but just pawned it off on Ally. Honestly, Ally probably would have enjoyed Kung-Fu Panda more since she loves the preview and re-enacts it, but Lawrence decided on the G movie instead of the PG movie.
Despite the RAVE reviews, I just didn't get into it as much as Lawrence did. He loved it for its uniqueness. Maybe its the sci-fi nerd in him. Ally said she enjoyed it also. Nate sat for 3/4 of the movie, which is all I can ask of a 1 1/2 year old.
X-Files is coming out soon. I was such a big fan...a big Moulder fan. I don't know if I'm going to catch it in the theater. I only got glimpses of the preview, but it looks kinda creepy. I remember certain episodes really creeped me out where I couldn't sleep. I'm really a wuss when it comes to scary movies, so I'm on the fence. I guess we'll wait and see what the reviews say.


Lawrence Tam said...

i like to tell jess that the movies she didn't like and I liked was because I have taste. BAM!

How she can watch movies like soul food is beyond me. So hard for me not to sigh every couple min.

Wall*E is good, not sure if it's better than the other pixar films but I do like it.

I prefer not to let ally watch PG films if possible.

X-files for sure is a NO-GO. I'd rather just stay at home and watch some blu-ray

Ricardo said...

[in a robotic voice] eeee-vah? [/in a robotic voice]

I thought Wall-e rocked. Isabel even made it all the way through; with a 7:30P showing even (it was Papi & Isabel time; just the 2 of us at the movies).

One thing though is that they didn't have to hit me over the head with the messages. I know, I know. Take care of the planet and don't be lazy. :-)

HFP said...

We too saw WallE. And I agree with Law, G movies only for our kids.

We also went to the movie for Lyndon. He wanted to see it cause...he's a Pixar fan and also all the great reviews.

I generally don't like to do these movie outings with Dylan anymore because I realized for the $60 we spent at the Alamo to see WallE, we could've gotten him the Lego car set he's been wanting from the catalog and buy the DVD when it comes out so he can watch it 100 times if he wished.

But of course, this outing was for Dylan. But it was nice to sit through an entire movie with food without ever having to fuss with Dylan. He was happy with his pizza and lemonade.

The movie was too sophisticated for kids. And perhaps our society today is just more aware. Good, but sometimes I just like something simple for my kid to watch like in the good old days. They are being educated about everything as it is.

But Lyndon did bring up a good point and that is that it provokes kids to ask questions about recycling and exercise...etc etc.

Overall, good movie and makes a statement about the trend in our society. But not really a kid movie. And overall...I still like movies like Little Mermaid better.