Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Snakes, Turtles, and Ferrets...oh my!!

IMG_4229.JPG, originally uploaded by spooon.

We decided to take the kiddos on a tour of Petco so they could see and touch some of the animals they have available there. They got a kick out of petting snakes, frogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc...Ally was a little timid to pet the snake at first, but she saw everyone else do it so that put her at ease. She took us around to all the different parts of the store and selected certain animals that were appropriate for this age group. Snapping turtles? No thanks, we'll pass. Ferrets that smell like they've been soaked in urine? I'd say no, but the kids loved them. Thank goodness they have Purell stations every 20 steps.
The highlight of the trip had to be the albino frog spewing fecal matter inches away from ally's face. It's funny now, but if it had gotten on her face....oh, the horror...there wouldn't have been enough Purell in that entire store to help me.
We then took them all to Luby's. We had so many people come up to us to ask if its a birthday party. Guess they figured why else would they see a bunch of youngsters together playing with balloons and gettting high off of jello.
Then off to the park to burn whatever energy they have left in them. I saw Ally eat it trying to walk a wheelbarrow on the ledge. She jumped up and said "I'm not ok" and took off again. Then I realized blood was trailing down her leg. She scuffed up both knees pretty bad. My poor baby walked with a limp for the rest of the day. What's funny is she couldn't decide which scrape hurt more so her limp would switch from the right leg to the left leg, then back to right leg. She cracks me up.


Muji said...

Since I'm not filling the Tam family dream of have a Vet in the family line... Maybe Ally can grow up to be a vet?

Lawrence Tam said...

awwww, that's my girl

"Ferrets that smell like they've been soaked in urine" - hey, don't make her not like urine soaked animals.

she cried bloody murder when she took her bath. those must be deep scratches. good thing i had nate and didn't have to deal with that. thanks momma!

HFP said...

How neat! I didn't know that Petco did tours for kids.

We took Dylan to Luby's for the first time this weekend, he ate corn. I was proud. LOL!